Liebster Award



About a month ago, Britt from Alternatively Speaking nominated yours truly for the Liebster Award. If you are like me and had never heard of the Liebster Award before, this award is given to new bloggers from other new bloggers. It’s a way to get our blogs out there and share the love. In order to participate, you must:

  • Post 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions your nominator has asked
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers
  • Ask them 11 questions
  • Let them know you nominated them
  • Be sure to link up with the blogger who nominated you

Got it? Good, cause here we go…

11 Facts About Me

1. I am obsessed with Lana Del Rey, Halsey, and Taylor Swift. I’ve spent so many nights reading and analysing their lyrics.

2. I played tennis in high school and loved it even though I was the worst on the entire team. 

3. My favourite colours are green, purple, and grey.

4. I live in a tiny Welsh village with a population of approximately 2500.

5. Even though I love my cats, I desperately want dogs, a leopard gecko, a bearded dragon, and some dwarf hamsters.

6. If I could be anything in the world with no limitations, I would be a neurobiologist who studies mental disorders, addiction, and pedophilia.

7. I’m the only child.

8. I grind my teeth when I am stressed or have too much caffeine.


14-year old me with braces

9. I wore braces for almost 3 years and had perfect teeth, but I stopped wearing my retainers and now I want braces again!

10. My favourite book is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.

11. Penguins are my favourite animal.


What Britt Asked Me

1. What inspired you to start blogging? When I read my first blog, I was suffering from depression and insomnia. I truly enjoyed reading about beauty products and boxes! Somehow I made it through those dark days and realized I have a wealth of knowledge and experiences that I’d like to share with others, well those kind enough to read my little blog 🙂

2. What is one piece of advice that you wish someone had given you before starting your blog? I wish someone had told me how time-consuming blogging is! I never realized how much time and effort went into blogging until I sat down with WordPress and tried to set up Gorgeous and Geeky. Then take into consideration trying products, taking notes, photography, writing a post, engaging with other bloggers and sharing your own content. It’s a full time job!! 


Trevi Fountain, Rome

3. What is the most memorable vacation you ever took and why? Ah this one is quite difficult as I have so many memories running through my head… I would have to say my trip to Italy with my partner was the most memorable. We got to do a mix of everything I love the most: try fantastic new food, explore different cultures, meet new people, and see some incredible sights such as the Trevi Fountain and the Sistine Chapel.


4. What is your go-to fuel? Coffee, tea, hot chocolate or some other glorious provider of energy when needed? Coffee, definitely! Preferably with a hint of vanilla

5. What is your favourite social media platform and why? I prefer Facebook. I’ve lived in many places and have friends/family all over the world so Facebook helps me feel connected to them.

6. If you could design your “perfect day,” what would it look like? I think my perfect day would be at the new Star Wars Land in Disneyland, which is opening in 2019! I imagine dressing up in a cute Star Wars dress, meeting some of my favourite characters, riding on some intense rids, eating quirky food, and watching the gorgeous fireworks at the end of my perfect day. Of course, all of this would happen with my best friend and future husband, Martyn, by my side.

7. In what ways do you inspire yourself to come up with new content? I gravitate towards my passions and focus on my particular niche. Not everyone may like Star Wars or cats, but I prefer to write about subjects that move me!

8.  What is the one app on your phone you couldn’t live without? Twitter! How else would I interact so much with the wonderful blogging community?!

9. What is your favourite band or artist? See above 😉

10. What is your favourite childhood memory? I adored my grandfather who passed away when I was 6. He lived in Mississippi and owned a farm. I remember going to Ellisville and spending time with him and those are probably my happiest memories. We would ride the tractor, go fishing, get ice cream, and spend time playing.

11. Do you have any major blogging goals for 2017? If so, what are they? My blogging goal for this year is to maintain my blog and social media presence. I work approximately 45 hours a week and try to have a social life, so fitting in my hobby can be difficult. I try not to put pressure on myself; I don’t want blogging to become a chore! Therefore, if it takes me 2 weeks to write a new post, so be it!

Who Are my Nominees??

Questions for my Nominees

1. How long have you been blogging?

2. What’s your favourite album and why?

3. Do you blog full-time? If not, what do you do?

4. If you could go anywhere in the world for a day, where would you go and what would you do?

5. Do you have any short-term blogging goals?

6. What’s your favourite animal?

7. Do you have any long-term blogging goals?

8. Where are you from? Do you still live in your hometown?

9. Have you done any collaborations? If so, which was your favourite?

10. Do you have any pets?

11. Do your friends/family know about your blog? If not, why?

Alright ladies, now I pass the torch onto you! Get out there, find your own crop of nominees, and share a little insight into who you are with all of your readers (myself included because I will be watching, excited to see what each of you share with your own posts)!