Nat’s Summer Wish List


I’ve been seeing “wish list” posts for a while and I finally wanted to write one of my own showcasing items I’d love to splurge on but won’t.  I feel quite cheeky writing a wish list a mere month after my birthday, but oh well! 

The first item on my lust list is from Lime Crime!  Have you seen their enchanting Mermaid collection which launched in June?!  Well if you’ve somehow missed it, let me enlighten you: promised to make you glow like a mermaid on a moonlit night, this kit has all you need to rock that Ariel-inspired look.  Moonlight Mermaid: Collector’s Kit (now sold out) absolutely spoils consumers with 3 full-sized highlighters and 3 full-sized Velvetines.  As you can see, the shades from the highlighting palette (Seashell, Pearl, Mermaid) correspond to the matching matte liquid lipstick (Siren, Mermaid’s Grotto, Seashell Bra).  I’ve wanted to try Lime Crime for a while due to their popular Diamond Crushers, a set of iridescent lip toppers which use prismatic technology to show off the sparkle! 

I wouldn’t live up to my handle, Gorgeous and Geeky, if I didn’t include at least one geek-inspired product!  These makeup brushes from Storybook Cosmetics were inspired by the wands you’d find in Ollivanders.  Since these were teased on their Instagram in October 2016, fans have been impatiently awaiting their arrival; when the brushes were released in earlier 2017, you can imagine that these sold out fairly quickly!  Everyone wanted to perform the “Accio Makeup!” spell, I’m sure of it.  These “Wizard Wand” brushes come in gold, gun metal and rose gold.  Rose gold continues to be a hit color and I obviously need the rose gold set ha!  I considered asking my better half for a set as a birthday present, but I’m afraid that if I order them I won’t use them!  I could totally see myself framing them and not actually casting any makeup spells.

The next item on my wish list isn’t flashy but is indeed necessary!  This Drying Lotion from Mario Badescu has exceptional reviews for its potent, yet gentle, effect on acne.  I am 27 and suffer from hormonal acne due to a reaction to the mini-pill I started taking a few months ago.  I have been off of the pill for 2 months and can see an improvement, but the skin is still irritated and looks like a red rash on both sides of my jaw.  I am not entirely sure if this acne treatment would work for my particular needs, but I’ve been wanting to give it a go.  I absolutely hate my acne.  I will go makeup-free because I believe a woman should be as confident without it as she is with it, but it still doesn’t look very nice.  Plus, who can wear a full face of makeup in this heat?!  If you have been wanting to try this product/brand but are in the UK, you can purchase Mario Badescu from Beauty Bay.  

Recently, my trusty (and cheap) wet-to-dry straightener died and I decided that when I can afford to replace it, I would like to finally buy the pinnacle of hair straighteners: a ghd.  One of my closest friends turned me onto ghd when we were traveling in Iceland; I was amazed that she could use it in another country without it blowing up or melting.  In 2011, I melted a straightener from the US when I was studying in Ireland!  I researched various ghd products and decided that I’d like to eventually invest in the Platinum Tropic.  I try to take good care of my hair, especially since I started coloring it a few years ago; therefore, I can appreciate the technology that goes into this “safer-for-hair” styler that reduces breakages by 50 percent. 

My wonderful partner surprised me with a light blue Fitbit Charge 2 and I cannot stop fiddling with the app.  I love it!  I love how it tracks my caloric intake so I can decide how many calories to eat.  I am trying to lose a pound a week, so I try to cut out 500 calories a day.  Before I had a Fitbit, I estimated how many calories I burned and how much I should eat but this device removes all guesswork.   I am astonished at how it tracks my sleep cycles, steps, and active minutes.  Now I am reaching my goals and seeing even better results.  The item on my wish list is this chic, grey-colored leather band which would allow me to paid my trusty Fitbit with nicer outfits.

The final item on my wish list is something I didn’t even know I wanted until a few weeks ago!  Last year the Town House at the Kensington Hotel in London advertised their brand-new Tale as Old as Time afternoon tea and I joined the waiting list because seats sold out in a matter of minutes.  Thankfully, they released more dates.  My partner and I were already going to London for a night to celebrate my birthday so when they released more dates in May, I jumped at the chance to go!  We were not disappointed!  I plan on writing a post about this experience, but for now I will just say this: you’d be surprised how well-made these figurines are.  They were on each table and I was seriously shocked when I picked it up to move it because it was incredibly hefty!  The figurine is battery-operated and the flames really glow.  I was astonished when I saw the price tag, though: £59 from the Disney website!!!  I do not think I will be getting this item any time soon!    

I hope you enjoyed reading about the lust-worthy products I am wishing will magically turn up on my doorstep!  If you’ve used any of the products I’ve mentioned, I’d love to hear your thoughts! 

The Mystery Blogger Award


mystery blogger award

Hey, y’all!  Today I am over-the-moon because I have been nominated for my second blogging award: The Mystery Blogging Award!  The lovely Valerie from Southern Belle in the West recently nominated me and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for thinking of me; your support means the world to me!  Please be sure to check out Valerie’s blog as it’s the!  Another reason I am excited about receiving this award is because it was created by one of my favorite blogging pals, Enigma, from Okoto Enigma’s Blog.  Enigma and I have gotten to know each other quite well over the past few months and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching her blog grow.  She created The Mystery Blogging Award to showcase inspiring and passionate bloggers.  Right!  Let’s get started…

Here are the rules:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  • Tell readers 3 things about yourself
  • Answer the questions provided
  • You have to nominate 10-20 people
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  • Share and link to your best post(s)

3 things about yourself:

  1. I have a cute little Peugeot 307cc convertible and her name is Francesca!
  2. I am starting my level 2 QCF/NVQ in Health & Social Care this month. Once I finish, I hope to get my level 3 then level 4 in Positive  Behavior Support (PBS).
  3. Even though I’m from Florida, I’ve never been to any attractions in Orlando (Disney, Universal).

Questions from Valerie:

  • What are you proudest of so far (life, blog, anything)?

I am most proud of the fact that after working hard to earn my degrees, I am now working in mental health and helping people.  I went through a quarter-life crisis after I finished uni and was stagnant for about 2 years.  Now,  I am thankful I am learning every day and developing applied psych skills.

  • If you could ask for anything in life, what would it be?

I would ask for a healthy relationship with my father.  My mom passed away a few years ago so he’s the only parent I have left, but he doesn’t want anything  to do with me.  In 2011, I told him about Martyn and my intentions to come to Wales and he stopped talking to me.  I have reached out numerous times with no avail.

  • What is one goal you have for this year?

To pay off all my debts!  Last year I had to go back to the States due to visa issues and I wasn’t working.  I have created a budget and I should be debt free by the end of the year if I stick to it!

  • What is one thing you would love to learn or master this year?

I would love to learn how to better manage challenging behavior at work.  The first few times I’ve experienced incidents, I’ve gotten heightened myself and even cried.  Now, I am better and maintaining composure, but only experience will help me learn how to handle and cope with incidents of challenging behavior.

  • Weird question: If given the chance, would you travel to Mars?

I genuinely am not sure if I would go to Mars.  Part of me is always up for new experiences; I’ll try anything once.  However, I am also a planner; since I have no knowledge about what life would be like, I’m not sure I could commit.

My Nominees:

  1. Claire from ClaireLouiiseXO 
  2. Shaienna Monique from Shaienna Monique: The Blog 
  3. Lydia from Mademoiselle Women 
  4. Tiffany from Food and Other Loves 
  5. Lola from Lolita Bonita 
  6. Jenn from Jenn the Aries 
  7. Britt from Alternatively Speaking 
  8. Jordanne from The Life of a Glasgow Girl 
  9. Becca from Becca’s Love for Life 
  10. Jess from Snaps & Slap 
  11. Sophia from Sophiaaaxo
  12. Lynz from The Cat Mother Chronicles 

Questions for my Nominees:

  1. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
  2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  3. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
  4. If you had your own show, what would be the theme song?
  5. Weird question: When do you start your Christmas shopping?

Thank you for reading!  I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better. I would like to thank Valerie again for nominating me for The Mystery Blogger Award!  I look forward to reading posts from my nominees.

If you’re new to my blog, please check out my 2 favorite posts: